This Crazy Life
Single mom. Student. Crazy. Disorganized. Wishin on a Star. Off The Wall. Day Dreamin. Most of all, Happy.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Time out
Yesterday I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to clean house, do laundry and finish my homework. I was stressing out and was super tense. The kids were parked in front of the tv and suddenly I realized that we needed to get out. So we took a couple bottles of bubbles out to the front porch and had a little time out. It totally relaxed me and changed my mood for the better.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thankful Thursday
A lot of people are doing a daily post on Facebook about what they are thankful for. I am not doing it, but I felt the need to do a thankful Thursday nonetheless. It started out as a status update, but I hate when people post novels as a status update so it turned into a blogpost.
Anyway, here we go.
Today I am thankful for the people in my life. I have been extremely blessed that way. So here's an ode to those lucky enough to be in my life :)
My mom. She's amazing. She has taken the role of grandma and turned it into something so much more than that. She never hesitates to take my kids when I'm at work or school. She takes them on crazy adventures and makes sure they experience everything they would miss out on if they were in a daycare. I am really not sure what I will do when she moves next year. And I don't really want to think about it . 

My family. My sisters, my grandparents, my aunt. They've all been amazing and helped me in more ways than I can even explain. I'd be even more of a mess without them. 

My friends. Once again, they're amazing. Between babysitting to just knowing when I need a friend or a phone call, their friendship is priceless. 

My man. I am extremely grateful for second chances. Given time, Kaleb and I Have been able to figure things out. He makes me so happy and having him back in my life is something I am so thankful for. 

And last but not least, the single most important people in my life - my kids. They are my heart, my soul, and my strength. They make everyday worth waking up. 

Basically, I am a lucky girl who has some amazing people in my life. So thanks to whoever is gathering them up for me!!

Monday, October 31, 2011
Pre-halloween celebrations
In order to get excited for Halloween we decided to make and decorate sugar cookies with Jossy and Meya, two of my best friends little girls. We had a blast!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
My loves
Surprise surprise! Life got hectic. But no worries, all is well. Bentley is rocking out the first grade, reading like a stud and telling me about the war in Mesopotamia, and other random facts that blow me away. Chloe is loving preschool, learning her letter sounds and numbers. She's a prima ballerina and this year she's added on a tap class as well. Mattix is 3 now and is dying to be a big kid. He talks about going to school and we are working on potty training. I'm doing well also, just about halfway through the semester and working a bunch. I'm still at Green Valley but I've also been working at Southwest Center Mental Health Services and Family Support Center.
In other news my best friend since high school, Chelsey, has recently moved down from Salt Lake and I am ecstatic.
In other news my best friend since high school, Chelsey, has recently moved down from Salt Lake and I am ecstatic.
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saw this post from a blog I love, and it inspired me to write about my daily fight with my house. I too struggle with finding a balance between keeping my house clean among all the other things going on. I have fought with myself over which is more important, an immaculate house, or the quality time with my kids. I am not trying to complain, but I feel like between school, work, and the kids, my house is my last priority. We don't live in filth by any means, but I never feel like its all done, which is a feeling I am sure all mom's have. There's always laundry to be done, kids rooms are never completely clean, and closets are always begging to be organized. I feel like I'm fighting a loosing battle daily. It's frustrating and annoying, but in the more recent months, I've begun to accept the fact that I can't do it all. I will never feel like my house is clean 100%. And that's okay. 'Cause right now, I wanna focus on my babies, and the limited time I have with them, rather than stressing over whether my dishes are done, or my laundry is all put away. . personally, I don't think they'll even notice.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Joy of Randomness
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